Faithfulness in Service Training – Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney

John Mark Ministries participated in three training seminars in Professional Standards for Ministers with the Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney on Thursday 15th and Friday 16th of May. The training was based on the 2007 revision of Faithfulness in Service, the national code for personal conduct and pastoral ministry in the Anglican Church. Over three sessions, Tim outlined the 4 sources of relational power in ministry, reflected on common areas of stress and finally examined personal and corporate practices which enable effective, godly and professional ministry. To access notes please continue this post…

The link below will give access for a limited time to the notes of Tim’s seminar in pdf format.  As of early July these links are now disabled.

The four sources of relational power in ministry

John Mark Ministries 10 areas of ministry which create vulnerability if left untended

Strategies for Wellbeing

A sample team covenant – in word format

An outline of a mentoring relationship over 12 months

If you have any further questions or comments on the seminar, please feel free to leave a note below. Thanks.