Recovery Consultancy Training for Baptists NSW and ACT

Luke kicked off teaching our Recovery Consultancy work to a group of 30 Baptist consultants today in Sydney. I was not able to get in due to other commitments till late morning so very happy to have Luke lead the training. We covered 5 different recovery scenarios and applied our overview of phases, assessment criteria and four main stategies to each. A great day of training and some valuable group interaction. Notes and resources are being uploaded to Baptist Onedrive and Church Consultancy Website.

Anglican Diocese of Tasmania – Ministry Leaders and Spouses Gathering – Launceston

Merran and I enjoyed meeting with ministry leaders and spouses from the Diocese of Tasmania today at Worldview College to discuss wellbeing in ministry. Here are the hand out notes from today and also the anonymous mentimeter graphs we produced. A couple of links to talks and resources have also been included below.

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Create your own Self-Care Plan

Self-Care For Sustaining Ministry is now officially live!

And its now live!

Luke Morgan and I have been recording videos for pastors and leaders. The first series we recorded ealier in the year has just gone live through Thinkific. These self study courses have been sponsored by Transform Southern Sydney – they are available for any who are interested. Maybe share this with your pastor! This first series has 25 short 5-10 minute videos and a 50 page workbook. Create your own personalised self care plan for leadership and ministry! Mentoring Leaders and Making Sense of Conflict are on the way!!

Please share this where ever it might be useful.

Flinders Christian Community College – Managing Difficult Conversations

It was great to spend the morning with 35 Executive Staff of Flinders Christian Community College. We explored Interpersonal Conflict Styles and Having Difficult Conversations.

The links to the presentations and brainstorms are below. I have included a link to the Worlds Apart video that some people were interested in.

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Presbyterian Church of Australia NSW Spiritual Renewal Groups Facilitators Training

It was great to be back at the Tops (Stanwell Tops Conference Centre) for PCA NSW SRG facilitators training after being on zoom last year. Keen group of 25 or so facilitators of groups sponsored by Mission and Ministry. Lots of reflection this year on how valuable this ministry is to both men and women in ministry and for clergy spouses.

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