Anglican Diocese of Sydney – Parish Recovery Teams Training

Today Tim and I were back in Sydney for a training day with the Diocesan Parish Recovery Teams.

We reflected on Jesus’ encounter with the temple system in Mark 12 to anchor the day. First up we considered key strategies and resources to support parishes navigating recovery. We included practical skilling around facilitating listening groups for churches in times of conflict and concluded with a presentation on aspects of Safe Ministry.

Notes and resources are in the team Dropbox.

Anglican Diocese of Sydney – Parish Recovery Teams Training

It was good to be with the Parish Recovery Team for their final training day of 2022.

We started with a Biblical reflect on Psalm 23 and then revisited key documents and articles. We reflected on a recovery consultancy and considered use of the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) tool to monitor Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue (Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress).

Notes and articles are in the team Dropbox.

Anglican Diocese of Sydney – Parish Recovery Teams Training

Tim and I joined the Parish Recovery Team via Zoom today because of concerns about COVID.

We reflected by reflecting on Psalm 81 then reflected on 6 basics of self-care. We then moved to the six principles of trauma informed care (promote trauma awareness, safety, control, strength, connection, and belief in recovery) then reflected on Parish Based Recovery Groups as part of parish recovery.

Notes are resources are in the team Dropbox.

Congregational Recovery and Support


It was good to meet up with the Baptist Association Consultancy Team today in Sydney for a day of upskilling on working with churches impacted by professional misconduct.  We covered managing the crisis period and how to facilitate three of the critical first meetings in the church. 

Notes are in our team dropbox.