ADF Chaplains Seminar–Simpson Barracks 11-12 September 2012

2012-09-11 12.05.48

It was quite sobering spending the 11th anniversary of 9/11 working with Army, Navy and Air Force chaplains on trauma and moral injury in war.  We looked first at the nature of pastoral ministry in the context of chaplaincy and then explored the differences between Post Traumatic Stress and Moral Injury.  Some good discussion on moral repair, forgiveness and justice followed.  Tomorrow we look at leadership practices and processes for systemic health.


Some of the sessions we covered included the following:

  1. Understanding the Dynamics of Power in Pastoral Transactions
  2. Moral Injury Presentation
    Resource and Reading List on Moral Injury and Moral Repair
    Parts of the Presentation by William Nash used in the Discussion
  3. The Foundations of Reconciliation and Forgiveness
  4. 5 Leadership Practices
  5. Systems and Organisational Culture
  6. Power and Vulnerability