Welcome to the Johnmark Extension home page.
If you have just attended a training workshop as part of one of our consultancy, mentoring or leadership training programs and you are looking to access notes they should be linked either to this site or to the dropbox site for the course.
Maybe you have recently attended a Johnmark Extension seminar and heard there are notes available on the website. See the recent posts box for website additions linked to training and seminar events. Or hit the search button for the seminar you attended.
Welcome to other visitors who have checked in for a look around. You might like to look at some of the static content pages which explain a little about the Johnmark Extension, introduce Tim Dyer, and outline our training programs.
The Johnmark Extension is networked with John Mark Ministries, an Australian network founded by Rev Dr Rowland Croucher (retired). It included Rev Les Scarborough (retired) in NSW who trained and mentored Tim into his current role. Rowland Croucher continues to maintain his own extensive website with a wide range of leadership articles and resources.
There are a number of articles and resources linked to this site. While some are freely available others are specifically for those involved in training programs and require access to shared folders which are not public.
Contact details for the Johnmark Extension are linked to the top menu.