Leadership Development Workshops

Pastoral Leadership Development and Clergy Training Workshops

Tim is a regular speaker at Pastors’ and Clergy Conferences in areas of leadership, church systems, professional ethics, mentoring, conflict management and the impact of clergy sexual abuse. He contributes to in-service training programs for clergy and leaders across several denominations and states.

He is available to teach, train or facilitate in the areas below:

Emotional and social intelligence for Pastors
This workshop covers the implications of emotional and social intelligence learning for those in pastoral ministry. It covers self-awareness, self regulation, awareness of others and relational management.  As a single introductory session or as a two session workshop. Developed in 2009. Last Updated 2022.

Personality and Ministry – Type dynamics in ministry
Based on Type theory as used in the MBTI and PTI tests, this workshop explores the implications of personality on ministry and leadership styles and teamwork relationships. Two session workshop or whole day / two day training workshop. Last updated in 2022.

Resilience in Ministry
Recent work on resilience theory has important implications for ministers.  Anchored in a Biblical framework, this workshop explores the adversities we face, the spiritual and environmental resources available to respond to these and the personal development strategies that help cultivate resilience.  This workshop has been expanded twice to cover dealing with the adversity of COVID19 pandemic and now the longer term burnout issues arising from complexities in the COVID normal era.   
One or two day workshop. Developed in 2015.  Last updated 2022

Engaging Gifts of Grace
An important teaching of the New Testament is the giving of spiritual gifts to individuals for ministry. This workshop explores the theology and practice of grace gifts in the context of leadership. It places the Ephesians Four teaching of the five-fold gifts into a wider context. Two session workshop or whole day training workshop. Last updated in 2022 as part of the Empowering Leadership Course at SMBC.

Managing Secondary Trauma in Ministry
Developed in 2017 for an MA course in ministry, this workshop explores the nature of primary and secondary trauma.  Especially appropriate for chaplains and community outreach workers, the issues of burnout, vicarious traumatisation and compassion fatigue are unpacked and strategies for minimising them are reflected upon.  Updated for dealing with COVID19 and natural disasters like the 2022 floods.  One session or a full day workshop.  Last updated 2022.

Sexual Dynamics and Pastoral Ministry
This single session workshop deals with the dynamics of sexual attraction in ministry (i.e. members of the congregation being attracted to ministers and vice versa). It looks at how and why this happens and the strategies that can be employed to guard the hearts and minds of pastoral leaders.
One or two session workshop. Developed in 2010.  Last updated 2021.

Finishing Well – A toolbox for pastoral ministry
This session is based on Robert Clinton’s work on the 5 life and ministry habits of leaders who finish well and our John Mark Ministries research and experience on 10 areas of vulnerability and strategies to cover these.
One or two session workshop. Developed in 2006, updated in 2021.

Self-care in Pastoral Leadership
Ministers experience stress and burnout in specific ways. This workshop looks at causes of stress in ministry and self-care strategies to manage stress and prevent burnout.   One, two session or whole day workshop. Developed in 2007, last updated in 2021 with Gordon Parker’s Sydney based research on burnout.

Shaping and Sharing Vision
The ability to shape, articulate and inspire others toward a vision is vital to effective leadership. This workshop looks at pathways for generating vision and strategies for sharing vision with others.
One or two session workshop. Last updated in 2021.

Managing change and transition in the Church
Leaders grow churches and organisations through effectively leading change. Change in Christian communities can meet significant resistance. This workshop looks at transition management as it applies to faith communities.
One, two session or whole day workshop. Developed in 2008, Last updated through 2022 for Transform Southern Sydney.

Moving through life, ministry and leadership phases
Robert Clinton has identified several stages leaders move through in ministry. In this workshop we look at these and compare them with  phases of spiritual development and marriage and family stages. The implications of phase shift collisions are explored in terms of ministry and personal life.
One, two session or whole day workshop. Developed in 2007.  Updated in 2022.

Leading Teams
The ability to mobilise and lead a staff or ministry team is an essential skill in Christian community. The workshop draws on a range of contemporary teamwork models and applies them to leading ministry teams
Two session workshop or whole day / two day training workshop. Updated for the Oxygen Conference in 2018.  Further updated in 2022

The Empowering Leader
The combined skills of equipping and then delegating enable a leader to confidently give tasks and responsibilities to others. These important skills are often assumed rather than intentionally cultivated.  One, two session or whole day workshop.  This is also taught in detail along with leadership dynamics as an ACT accredited MA unit.  Updated for the 2022 intensive unit at SMBC in 2022.

Conflict Management in Christian Communities
The most stressful area of ministry is managing conflict. This workshop aims to reduce the tension involved in conflict through developing understanding, skills and policies enabling conflict to be handled effectively and well.
Two session workshop or whole day / 2 day / 3-4 day training workshop, Developed in 2003, fully redeveloped in 2014 for Ridley’s MA program.  Last updated in 2022 Scheduled to be taught as an ACT unit at SMBC in 2023.

Difficult Conversations
A specific challenge in leadership is handling challenging conversations. Sometimes these involve interactions with other leaders, sometimes with elders, Parish Council members or Board members, sometimes with volunteers. Managing these situations with integrity and care is important, particularly within a Christian environment. 1/2 or whole day workshop. Developed in 2013.  Regularly taught for the Salvation Army 2017.  Updated 2022 for Anglican leaders.  

Church Systems
Churches are unique human organisations with their own belief systems, rules, roles, rituals and goals. Understanding how an individual church works can enable a pastor to begin the process of change and transformation.
One, two session or whole day workshop. Last updated in 2022 for Anglican, Baptist and Presbyterian Consultancy Teams.  

Mentor Equipping
Mentoring is the most effective leadership development strategy in the church. It has a strong Biblical foundation. This training program lays the foundation for effective mentoring relationships. (These sessions contain basic introductory elements of the full three year training program)
Two session workshop or whole day / two day training workshop. Updated in 2018.  Further developed for training at SMBC in 2018-2022.  MEQ Course taught over a three year period currently running in Sydney, Brisbane and Launceston.  Mentoring Leadership Course taught over 4 x 3 hour online sessions.  Scheduled next year for Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart.  Please check johnmark.net.au/mx  

Power dynamics and ministry
Ministers often experience themselves as powerless. This is far from the actual truth. Arising from the unique nature of the Christian church, ministers possess significant sources of power which can be used to enable life and growth in others. Failure to acknowledge this can lead to misuses of power with damaging results.  Ministers also work within systems that contain significant power bases understanding these is critical to effective ministry.
One, two session or whole day workshop. Developed in 2007, last updated in 2022. 

Taking a Sabbatical
Increasing numbers of ministers are exploring the possibility of Sabbatical leave as a strategy of self care and professional formation. This workshop looks at the policy, process and practices of Sabbaticals.  One or two session workshop. Updated in 2022.

Spiritual Formation in Ministry
Many clergy find spiritual formation a major challenge and struggle to engage in disciplines that are spiritually life-giving to ministry. This workshop explores spiritual formation practices that work for ministers.
One or two session workshop. Redeveloped in 2013.  Last updated in 2022 for Renewal Retreat Faciliators’ Training.

Pastoral Review Processes
Conducting a fair, proactive and formative review is important for both a Pastor and the church. This workshop looks at summative and formative review processes.  One or two session workshop. Developed in 2010.  Updated in 2022 for consultations with churches and organisations.  

Governance in Churches and Organisations
Providing wise and discerning governance for churches and Christian organisations is an important and commonly misunderstood role.  This workshop looks at the models of eldership, church boards and councils and the boards of organisations.  Its looks at contemporary models and examines where they work and don’t work in churches.  Whole day workshop. Last updated in 2022 for eldership workshops with churches and organisations.  Taught as a 4 unit online course or live “A Noble Task”

Getting head and heart around bullying in church
Bullying is actually a problem in many churches as the dynamics of power and relationships are not often well understood.  This workshop looks at defining bullying and exploring the education and policies which effectively prevent it.
Two session workshop, Developed in 2011. Last updated 2022.   

Recovery processes for churches and Christian organisations
Occasionally painful and deeply impacting events take place with Christian communities.  These may be the result of damaging human behaviour like conflict or misconduct or natural events like fires and floods.   Church and communities need an intentional opportunity to process and recover from these events.  This is a training workshop for people involved in the recovery process.  It is a shortened form of a full 8 day training program.  Two session workshop, Developed in 2011. Last updated 2022.