Tim Dyer

Tim Dyer

Tim Dyer is a trainer of pastors, church consultants, mentors and Christian leaders.  He works across many mainline denominations and focuses on the care, development and support of clergy and the health of congregations.

  • Tim is a regular speaker at Pastors’ and Clergy Conferences in areas of leadership, church systems, professional ethics, self care, mentoring, conflict management, staff and team dynamics and the impact of clergy sexual abuse. He contributes to in-service training programs for clergy and leaders across many denominations and states.
  • Besides mentoring pastors and leaders himself, Tim trains Christian leaders in the skills required to equip others to become leaders through intentional one to one mentoring.  Tim has redeveloped the Mentor Equipping 3 year training course.  He works with other trainers in Australia to provide this course to leaders seeking to be equipped as mentors.   It is now offered as a graduate program through the Australian College of Theology.
  • Tim has an interest in healthy congregational and parish life and consults with churches and denominations on processes which create and support parish health.  He trains and supervises denominational church consultancy teams which work with program evaluation, church governance, vision and direction, pastoral transitions, staff team reviews and in times of conflict.  Tim has both church health and church conflict consultancy teams operational within a variety of denominations in Australia.  
  • Tim trains consultants nationally to work with congregations in crisis as a result of conflict or sexual misconduct in leadership. He has a particular interest in developing healthy recovery processes for whole congregational systems.
  • Tim also equips facilitators for Pastors Renewal Retreats, a clergy support and development program founded by Les Scarborough in the 1990s and now run independently in many denominations around Australia.
  • Tim trained in psychology at Melbourne and Monash Universities before researching and publishing on Youth Homelessness as a staff worker with Scripture Union Victoria.  He teaches at a graduate level for several theological colleges in Leadership, Team Relationships, Conflict Management, Resilience and Self Care, Trauma and Recovery and the Personal Life of the Minister.  
  • Tim is married to Merran, a GP with interests in nutritional medicine and women’s health. They have 2 adult sons and two adult daughters.  
  • Tim is supported in ministry by his home congregation in Sheffield, Tasmania where he serves primarily as a Bible teacher, celebrant and leader.
  • For relaxation, Tim enjoys bushwalking in the Tasmanian highlands, camping, computers, gardening, reading and music.