Parish Recovery Teams Training – Sydney

Image result for st andrews house sydney

Back in Sydney for a training day with the Parish Recovery Teams. We explored the nature of primary and secondary trauma, complex organisational systems and looked at a issues arising with recovery processes.  Notes and articles are in our team dropbox. 

Focus on Ministry–Facilitators Training Sydney

I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with 22 facilitators of Focus on Ministry retreats in Sydney on Monday.  I love the Telford site at Port Hacking, sunny and relaxing looking out over the water.  This year we covered Pastoral Review Processes, Understanding Church systems, Empowering Leadership and some new research on Burnout. 

All the files have been updated and placed in our group dropbox. 

Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney–Parish Recovery Teams Training Workshop 8

It was somewhat wet and cold in Sydney today for our Parish Recovery Teams training session at St Andrew’s house.  We looked at several areas of small group facilitation in Recovery Consultancy work. It was good to welcome a new director of Professional Standards to our training.  This was to have been the final training day for our second team however there may be one final day in May as we prepare for joining both teams now that training is complete. 


Notes have been transferred to our dropbox account.  Please contact me if you have any access difficulties.