Tim and I continued with the Arrow 16 Executive Leadership Cohort this morning.
Continue reading “Arrow Executive Leadership Session – Leading Change and Transition”Tim Dyer – The Johnmark Extension
Teaching and training events
Tim and I continued with the Arrow 16 Executive Leadership Cohort this morning.
Continue reading “Arrow Executive Leadership Session – Leading Change and Transition”Tim concluded the seminar series Transform Southern Sydney has been hosting for leaders on change and transition leadership (on zoom from Perth today). He explained stages and phases in life and leadership and the life cycle of a church / congregation, introduced several analytical tools, and concluded by covering elements of leadership theory specifically related to leading transitions well. It has been a pleasure to journey with the group through the year.
All notes and resources are now in the team Dropbox.
Tim continued the seminar series Transform Southern Sydney is hosting for leaders on change and transition leadership (on zoom from Victoria today). Key topics covered in this third seminar included leading specific types of change and transition: pastoral transition, founder’s transition, and mergers. Tim walked the group through the Leaving Well, Beginning Well, and Exit Interviews resources the Johnmark Extension has developed and their application for pastoral transitions.
Notes and resources are in the team Dropbox.
Transform Southern Sydney has been hosting a series of seminars for leaders on change and transition leadership. My associate Luke and I were able to be live (for a change from zoom) in Sydney for the second of the series. We met at the newly fitted ministry centre in Hurstville for an afternoon of training. Key topics covered in this second seminar included managing resistance to change through: Understanding church systems and their natural tendency to stability, Applying Katzenbach’s Critical Few Theory and using Kegan and Lahey’s Immunity to the Change process.
All notes and resources are now in our team dropbox.
Transform Southern Sydney is hosting a series of seminars for leaders on change and transition leadership. At the first of four seminars (on zoom today) Tim introduced four types of change and transition, focussed insights from Bridge’s Transition Model and Worden’s Four Tasks of Letting Go in leading change and transition, and outlined the tasks of effective leadership through the transition process with reference to Kotter’s Process for Leading Change.
Notes and resources are in the team Dropbox.