Australian Christian Mentoring Network – Mentor Brunch in Hobart

Tim and I enjoyed brunch with a group of mentors from the South this morning. We heard about each other’s involvement in mentoring, reflected together on the similarities and differences of mentoring practices and those of supervision, coaching, and spiritual direction, and shared resources we use in mentoring.

We have another mentor brunch is in Launceston on October 21. Email for information. Stay connected with us via our Facebook group.

The resources we shared are available below.

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Chaplaincy Australia – Providing support in times of conflict

Tim and I joined Chaplaincy Australia supervisors and mentors from Perth via Zoom to resource them to support supervisors and mentors when they face times of conflict.

The presentation from the workshop and resources referred to will be emailed to those who participated by the Chaplaincy Australia team.

The workshop is being repeated on the evening of March 20. See Coming Events on the Chaplaincy Australia website for more information.

Transform Southern Sydney – End of Year Gathering

It’s been great to work with TSS in their mentoring and change management programs over the last couple of years.

Tim and I had the privilege of joining TSS pastors and leaders for their end of year gathering on November 29. Tim gave a short presentation and then responded to a range of questions from re-engaging volunteer leaders to staying emotionally safe in ministry.

Thanks to TSS for their partnership.

Mentoring Leadership – Workshop 7

The seventh and final of a series of workshops with members of the Transform Southern Sydney mentoring group occurred on zoom this morning. Tim commenced with a word study on ‘imitate’ (mimeomai) in the New Testament and we considered its implications for mentoring. We reflected on the interpersonal skill of self-disclosure in mentoring and the dynamic of transference. We spent time considering common sources of pressure from subconscious processes and supporting mentors through Sabbaticals. It has been a delight to spend time with the mentoring group in the workshops.

Notes from the workshops are in the team Dropbox.

Mentoring Leadership – Workshop 6

Tim and I returned to zoom for the sixth of a series of workshops with members of the Transform Southern Sydney mentoring group. We started with a Biblical reflection about Naomi and Ruth and then considered ways leaders deceive themselves and strategies to grow in self-awareness to combat this. To finish we spent time looking at burnout and the importance of Sabbath for emotional health.

Resources from the workshop have been added to the team Dropbox.

Mentoring Leadership – Workshop 5

After four training sessions on Zoom last year, it was great to be face to face with members of the Transform Southern Sydney mentoring group today. The training is continuing into year two with an emphasis on mentoring leaders for their growth and development. The first year explored the skills and dynamics of mentoring.

Notes from the workshop have been added to our dropbox.