When I am exploring beginning a mentoring relationship, one of the resources I use is a sheet entitled ‘Reasons to be Mentored’. I give this to my prospective mentoree and ask them to indicate which of these are most important to them. This often helps both of us to clarify the expectations of the relationship.
- I believe a mentor can help me develop spiritual disciplines and form a closer relationship with God.
- I need to gain a clearer sense of focus in my life and ministry.
- I am conscious that in my life and ministry I need insight and accountability in relation to issues of sexuality, use of money, use of time and use of power.
- I want to develop as a relational leader and connect more to those around me.
- I want to understand and develop my unique mix of ministry gifts and skills.
- I need to become more accountable for the time and effort I put into marriage and family relationships.
- I struggle with stress in ministry and would like to develop management strategies.
- There are specific ministry and life skills I would like to acquire (and these are …… ).
- I am moving through a time of discernment and decision. I need to explore options for the future.
- I need someone with whom I can debrief critical ministry situations.
- I need to resolve or manage interpersonal conflict.
- I need some ways of objectively reviewing my life and ministry and get a ‘fix’ on where I am and where I need to develop.
- I want someone to keep me on the growing or cutting edge.
- The leadership demands on me are changing and I would like to manage this transition well.
- I need to be held accountable for specific commitments in my life and ministry.
- I would like to be better organised for effective ministry.
- I want to maintain an ongoing commitment to learning and growth.
- I would like to equip, lead and develop the leaders around me.
- I need to find time for recreation and use it well to be renewed.
- I am planning a sabbatical and would like to use this time wisely.