Parish Health–Conflict Management Team Training Brisbane
Church ConflictStill clear, sunny and warm in Brisbane for another day of training in Conflict Management skills. This time for a team of clergy and lay who may form the basis of a conflict consultancy team. We met at St Francis College for the day to explore the dynamics of conflict and a range of interpersonal and group facilitation processes.
Equipping Priests in Charge–Brisbane
Church ConflictIt has been a pleasant change to have a few days in Brisbane over our Tasmanian winter. Friday was a day of training and equipping for Priests in Charge in the Diocese of Brisbane around the management of Parish Conflict.
SMBC Pastoral Care–Conflict Management in Churches
Church ConflictSMBC
I enjoyed the opportunity to be a guest lecturer in the Pastoral Care Skills course at Sydney Missionary and Bible College this evening. We worked through dimensions of church conflict and considered pastoral aspects of understanding and responding to conflict. Presentations and resources we considered this evening follow in this post.
Melbourne CBD Integrated Leadership Group – Arrow Leadership
Church ConflictGreat to meet with one of Arrow’s Integrated Leadership Groups in the CBD today to discuss Conflict Competency in Organisations.
For notes from the presentation and the Conflict Competency Worksheet, please read on…
ABC’s of Church Conflict
Church ConflictOne of the helpful definitions of conflict () points out that there are always be three elements which interact when conflict gets inflamed and becomes damaging.
Website woes
Church ConflictHi friends, My apologies to many who were trying to access materials over the weekend. My four wordpress websites suffered a cyber attack on Friday last week which disabled all sites and closed off even my own access. I had to take each of them down yesterday and rebuild them from scratch. Thanks for your
Managing Parish Conflict–Diocese of Melbourne Clergy Conference 2014
Church ConflictIt was good to catch up with friends in Melbourne this morning for a workshop at this year’s clergy conference. I was given the topic of Parish Conflict – a bit of a regular with me these days.
Please read more to get access to the links to the powerpoint presentation and also the resources I referred to in the presentation. A link has also been provided to the article on Conflict resolution within an Asian context.
10 reasons churches should be the experts in conflict resolution
Church ConflictAs I work around church communities, it is quite confronting to recognise that churches are naturally conflict prone. We should be leaders within our communities, knowing and demonstrating reconciliation practices and then ministering these to families and community organisations. Instead we spend a lot of time denying and suppressing our own conflict and never really get good at dealing with it. So we end up being a conflict prone community which is also conflict averse. Here is why we need to be experts.
Managing Parish Conflict – Anglican Dioceses of Adelaide and Willochra
Church ConflictI am enjoying a visit to the Clare Valley in South Australia reflecting on Conflict Management in Parishes with the Anglican Dioceses of Adelaide and Willochra.
The presentations and notes from the sessions are linked below.
Emotional Intelligence – Leadership and Conflict Resolution – reposted from Alban Institute
Church ConflictI have been working with conflicted congregations for 20 years this year. I am increasingly convinced that Emotional Intelligence is key to conflict management.
Emotional Intelligence and Effective Conflict Management, This Pair Can Make or Break Your Leadership
I was a young pastor, conscientious, concerned for my congregation and the unity of our church. So on that Sunday afternoon when John, an experienced deacon, showed up at my home unannounced, my antennae went up.