Australian Christian Mentoring Network – Mentor Brunch in Launceston

Luke and I enjoyed brunch with a group of mentors and supervisors from around Tasmania this morning. We heard about each other’s involvement in mentoring, shared resources we use, and reflected on the differences between mentoring and supervision.

Stay connected with us via our Facebook group.

The resources we shared are available below.

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Emotionally Healthy Mentoring

I really enjoyed hosting the Australian Christian Mentoring Network’s training seminar in Adelaide today.  The keynote speaker was Keith Farmer who led two sessions on Emotional Health in Ministry.  Tony Ling (a friend from Tassie days) and now senior pastor at Victor Harbour Baptist Church led a session outlining his doctoral work on burnout in clergy.  During the afternoon we workshopped some mentoring resources and worked through a case study on emotional exhaustion. 

Members of the network in breakout discussion groups. 

The ACMN website has further materials however I have linked a number of resources I spoke about today to my own site.

For my resources see below:

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