It was great to spend the day with 40 Staff of Cedar College in Adelaide. We reflected on Ephesians 4, explored the dynamics of conflict , interpersonal conflict styles, difficult conversations, and creating a conflict competent culture.
The links to the presentations and brainstorms are below.
7 Biblical Conflict Transformation Values presentation
Unique features of conflict in Christian environments brainstorm
Which factors have you seen in Christian environments mentimeter results
Conflict dynamics presentation
Which of the common cognitive processes do you see at work mentimeter results
Interpersonal conflict styles presentation
Which conflict style is most natural to you mentimeter results
Managing difficult conversations well brainstorm
Which do you see as most important mentimeter results
Facilitating difficult conversations presentation
The role of the support person in facilitated conversation and mediation handout
Reconciliation in times of conflict presentation
Preparing for conflict presentation
Covenant Commitments for Christians in Times of Disagreement and Tension handout